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Seven - Seitsemän
Synkkä yksinpuhelu luvusta 7 molekyylibiologian kivijalkana
The number seven in cell and molecular biology
Ihmissolut ovat keskimäärin 7-vuotiaita. Tämä saatiin yllättäen selville, kun opimme määrittämään kudosten reaali-iän C14-hiiliradiomäärityksellä.1 Kaiken taivaan alla ilmastamme enin osa (4/5) on inerttiä, reagoimatonta ja neutraalia typpeä. Typpi on järjestyksessään seitsemän alkuaine seitsemällä protonillaan ja seitsemällä neutronillaan. Toisaalta alkuaineita on yhteensä seitsemän jaksoa vaikka yhä uusia siirtymämetalleja on löydetty. Myös fysiikassa on seitsemän perussuuretta, mikä on koko luonnontieteen SI-järjestelmän perustus (metri pituudelle, kilogramma painolle, sekunti ajalle, ampeeri sähkövirralle, kelvin lämpötilalle, mooli ainemäärälle eli atomien lukumäärälle, sekä kandela valoisuudelle eli fotoni-hiukkasaaltojen lukumäärälle tai teholle). Jumala varjelee meitä taustalla pitäytyen ja näyttäytyy esiin vain erityistarpeesta.2
Vaan mikä siinä on, kun lihasten supistuksessa
(actomyosin contraction) vallitsee
seitsenkertainen ko-operatiivisuus? Lihassupistus on kalsiumsäädelty,
mutta tuo kalsiumpulssi detektoidaan ja poistetaan seuraavaa rundia
varten parhaiten tuntemamme proteiinikoneiston kautta - jossa muuten
on mukana myös suurin tuntemamme biosfäärin proteiini,
titiini. Tämän sevenfold
cooperativity -periaatteen saavat aikaan seitsemän
aktomyosiiniyksikön välein tarttuvat proteiiniryppäät.
Myös lihasdiskejä esiintyy seitsemän
Myosiinin ja muidenkin "coiled coil"
-superkierteiden salaisuus on luvussa 7. Yksittäinen alfa-kierre
tekee yhden kierroksen noin 3,6 aminohappotähteen matkalla. Se
ei kuitenkaan pidä muotoansa ilman kontekstia - ellei kierteitä
sitten ole kahta kiertymässä toistensa ympäri. Tällöin
rasvaliukoiset aminohapot sojottavat toista peptidiketjua kohden
tasan 7 aminohapon välein. Mm. "common cold" eli
flunssavirus pääsee coiled coil -koukulla soluista
Alfa-aktiinin aminohapposekvenssi sinänsä
on 100% identtinen ihmisestä koiraan ja pyhään
lehmään. Tämän perusproteiinin ihmisgeenissä
on 7 koodaavaa DNA-aluetta kuin standardoinnin huipentumana.
Aktiinitukirangan komponentteihin sitoutuvat fosfatidyyli-inositolilipidit, tuttavien kesken Pipit, ovat ainoa fosfolipidien kategoria, joka kyetään ankkuroimaan plasmamembraanin sisäpinnalle. Teoriassa signaloivia fosfatidyyli-inositolifosfaatteja voisi olla olemassa kymmeniä. Käytännössä niitä on seitsemän:
PI3P - 1st
PI4P - 2nd
PI5P - 3rd
PI34P2 - 4th
PI35P2 - 5th
PI45P2 - 6th &
PI345P3 - 7th (jossa negatiivinen varaus saavuttaa neutraalissa pH:ssa arvon seitsemän; with the net charge of minus 7 in neutral pH).
Proteiinien laskostamisessa auttavat kaperoni-entsyymit ovat luonnon "esiliinoja" ja estävät valkuaisaineita saostumasta. Ne esiintyvät 7 alayksikön "tynnyreinä" ja korjailevat agregoituneita holhokkejaan ATP:n energian avulla, hydrolysoimalla "soluvaluuttaa" 7 yksikön sarjoin. Vain pahimmin agregoituneissa käytetään energiaa, pienet bugit korjataan lämpöliikkeen turvin. Jos energiaa käytetään - hydrolysoidaan ATP:tä 7 sarjassa, koko kierros.
Helmikuun 2010 Tiede-lehdessä
oli juttua ihmisen 7 sirtuiini-proteiinista. Niitä sanotaan
eliniän pituuden nimittäjiksi, säätelevät
milloin heitetään puulusikka nurkkaan eikä kiilata
enää hirsien väliin.
Ohjelmoitu solukuolema eli
apoptoosi käynnistyy siten, että CASP9-kaspaasit asettuvat
seitsen-jäseniseen piiriin apoptosomi-koneistoksi. Sitten
jokainen tarttuu mitokondriosta vuotaneeseen CYTC eli sytokromi c
-proteiiniin adapteriproteiinin välityksellä. Näin
muodostuu rengas, jossa on 7+7+7 alayksikköä.
kaikki solun amplifikaatiokaskadiin pääsevät signaalit
tulevat läpi 7-TMS:stä, eli 7-transmembrane superfamily
reseptoreista. Solun signaalinvälityksen vahvistinlaitteet siis
ankkuroituvat solukalvoon läpäisten sen 7 kertaa.
on kierrätettävä biopolymeeri, joka käyttää
filamenttimuodostuksen käynnistykseen 7 alayksiköstä
muodostuvaa biokoneistoa. Aktiini on autopolymeeri, mutta
lepotilassakin esim. verihiutaleet käyttävät
energiastaan 40% sen treadmillingiin, kuin hölmölässä
peiton loppuessa jalkopäässä. Homma pitää
valjastaa tarkasti säätelyyn. Niinpä polymerisaation
nukleaatio vaatii aktiiniproteesin. Tässä
Arp2/3-kompleksissa on 7 alayksikköä.
Baltimoren luokittelun mukaan viruksia on seitsemää kategoriaa. Virus-nimi viittaa ”myrkkyyn” ja on karmea misnomeeri: Ilman bakteeri-hajottajia planeettamme mätänisi. Ilman viruksia bakteerit taas valtaisivat maan ja monisoluiset tuhoutuisivat.
Luvut 7 ja 12 lienevät parhaiten tunnetut juutalaisuuden lukusymboliikasta. Luvun 7 voisi olettaa liittyvän erityisesti solun peruselementteihin, luvun 12 säätelyyn. Toisaalta elämä rakentuu hiilen varaan, ja atominen hiili koostuu kahdestatoista atomista; kuudesta +1-varautuneesta protonista ja kuudesta varauksettomasta neutronista.
On selvää, että solussa esiintyy myös muita lukuja kuin 7 ja 12. Numeerinen hypoteesi voisi korkeintaan erottaa solubiologian keskeiset komponentit tai peruspilarit joistakin vähemmän tärkeistä. Omaan innovaatioon kiintyy helposti, mutta herätessäni aamuisin en koskaan ole kovin vakuuttunut ideasta. Lopuksi on vielä hyvä muistaa, että niin kehitykseen kuin rappeutumiseenkin perustuvassa maailmankuvassa luonto on murrosvaiheessa, muuttumassa. Täysi optimaalisuus on joko tulevaisuutta tai menneisyyttä.
Micro-RNA miR
RNA-maailman RNA-pätkät tekevät tiukkoja hiuspinnejä. Pätkä-RNA:n pääasiallinen funktio näyttää olevan DNA:n sulkeminen. Ne istuvat niin lujaa, että ajavat yli voimakkaimpienkin ontogeenien eli transkriptifaktoreitten kuten c-myc, fos jne. Se on viime vuosien ällistyttävä havainto. Eli micro-RNA:t (miR:rit) ovat sulkimia jotka pistää ihan omassa funktiotasossaan sähköt poikki niks naks. Jännää on, että miR on hyvin spesifinen tekele. Niitä tunnetaan tuhannen verran joista 400 yksi tai enemmän kohteita. Ne ovat 22 RNA-aakkosen pituisia. Voisi sanoa että aina tasan 22 kpl. Hyvä muistisääntö on Raamatun pisin luku, merkattu psalmiksi 119. Siinäkin on 22 kpl kappaleita, kussakin 8 meikäläistä jaetta. Heprean aakkosten lukumäärä. Hyvä muistikikka. 7+7+7 ja vielä yksi varman päälle. Huono ventissä. Peli päättyy. Pillit pussiin ja kamat kassiin. Nollataan muisti. Resetoidaan solu. Sitä on pikku-RNA.
cooperativity of troponin-mediated calcium sensing in actomyosin of
the muscle filaments
coil architecture
7-transmembrane superfamily of receptors
at the seventh level: PIP3/PI(3,4,5)P3
Draw an initial circle, and arrange six circles tangent to it such that they touch both the original circle and their two neighbors. Then the three lines joining opposite points of tangency are concurrent in a point. The figures above show several possible configurations. Evelyn, C. J. A.; Money-Coutts, G. B.; and Tyrrell, J. A. "The Seven Circles Theorem." §3.1 in The Seven Circles Theorem and Other New Theorems. London: Stacey International, pp. 31-42, 1974. Wells, D. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry. London: Penguin, pp. 224-225, 1991.
kukin seitsemän pistettä on yhtä kaukana toisistaan.
The seven corners of the heptagon as far from
each others.
Septic graphs. A septic graph is a regular
graph of degree seven. The numbers of simple septic graphs on
10, 12, ... nodes are 1, 5, 1547, 21609301, ... (Sloane's A014377).
Examples are illustrated above and summarized in the following table.
seventh colour is white (the light) and contains the six others.
Every nuance of a colour can be made by mixing the three main
colours, red, blue and yellow. Päävärit
ja vastavärit: Seitsemäs sinetöi kaikki värit.
Seitsemäs on valkoinen ja pitää sisällään
kaikki muut.
Takana loistava tulevaisuus. Miten luulisit, arvon satunnainen lukija, tiedepolitiikan mankelin suhtautuvan tuhatkaunoon, joka väikkärinsä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa aktiini-solutukirangasta kiinnittää huomiota numeroon seitsemän? Viikkiin on turha tulla opiskelemaan jos ei "usko" evoluutioon, sanoo professori radiossa. Nonni. Jätetään paskantärkeys ja pelastetaan päivästä mikä pelastettavissa on.
Tämä on ryhmätyötä! Tiede on ryhmätyötä! Kollegasikin ovat varoittaneet sinua. Canis lupus, ulvo mukana. Opiskeluilmapiiri on opiskelijaystävällinen, saattehan bilettää yliopiston tiloissa. Sinulle suodaan ohjaaja, jos väitöskirjasi kirjallisuuskatsaus ei ylitä 25-30 sivua. Ihanne on kirjoittaa väikkäriä kuukauden päivät. "Eihän sitä kukaan lue." Tai lukee niin, keskimäärin viisi ihmistä - joista neljä virkansa takia. Debattien aika on ohi. Paneelien aika on ohi. Paradigmamuutosten aika on ohi. Nyt tehdään biobisnestä. Ei ole aikaa hömppään. Mihin tieteenfilosofiaa tarvitaan? Mitä ihme oppihistoriaa? Sanoitko sinä "popularisaatio"? Eikös heitetä pystyyn oma biotieteen tiedekunta, niin koiranruokasäkki ei raahaudu matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen tiedekuntaneuvoston pakeille painatuslupaa pyytelemään! Mitäs siitä vaikka kaikki opiskelijajärjestöt vastustivat asiaa. Sitten kun olet tohtori, niin SITTEN saat kirjoittaa. Sitten saat ajatella. Nyt et. Siihen saakka ajattelu on kielletty. Ja sen jälkeenkin, itse asiassa.
Turpa kiinni tukka pois älä ajattele tule yliopistolle - tottele! Evoluutio on taistelevaa tiedettä.
Hyvä kollega: Tule mukaan kapinaan. Julkaise tekniset artikkelisi, mutta kirjoita monografia. Kerää bioetiikan kannuksesi ulkomaisista sarjoista ja liimaa reprinteiksi myös sellaiset. Mikäli kirjaasi ei hyväksytä liukuhihnaväitössarjaan, kysy että miksei.
Asialla on nimittäin jo kiire. Luonnontieteiden akateemisten lokakuun numeron mukaan vastavalmistuneiden biotieteilijöiden keskimääräinen kuukausipalkka on laskenut vuodessa 160 euroa. Vastavalmistuneista 20% ei enää saa koulutustaan vastaava työtä. Vastavalmistuneista ja alan työtä saavista 80% on jonkinlaisessa työsuhteessa yliopistoihin. Valmistuneista 60% alkaa tehdä väitöskirjaa. Vain 10% vastavalmistuneista oman alan töitä saavista saa vakituisen työpaikan. Meillä rahastetaan. Nykyisestä koulutusbuumista, nippuväitöskirjoista kuukauden kirjoittamisajalla ja viidellä lukijalla (huom! neljä lukee kirjan virkansa puolesta) - det vill säga: liukuhihnatohtoraateista, hyötyvät vain kunnianhimoiset senioritutkijat. Meidät nuoret laitetaan tappelemaan keskenämme jo kalutuista luista yliopistolla kuin pahaiset koirat.
Minulla oli kavereita, jotka vetää tabuja naamaan ja
joita saa huhuilla eksistentialismista konkreettiseksi muodostuneen
"hyppyrimäen" alta. Naarata 20 asteen pakkasessa
Tammelan järvistä ja soittaa soittamasta päästyään
kännykän päähän etteivät seuraa
seireenin kutsua. Olen tämän velkaa palvelevan puhelimen,
poikakerhojen, rippileirien ja yökahviloiden traagisille
Genomiprojektit valmistuivat meidän aikanamme. Nyt, jos koskaan,
on aika kysyä kysymyksiä. Celera tarjosi v. 2003 koko
genomin sekvenointia 750 000 taalan hintaan, ja hinta tippuu Mooren
lain mukaisesti 1,5 kertaa vuodessa. Suurin kysyntä ainakin
Kaukoidässä ovat vähitellen sosiaalisten profiilien
SNiPit, behaviorome-projektista puhutaan. Tämä on kuin
suoraan 30-luvun Pula-ajan fasistisessa biolegislaatiossa, kun
mendelismin rautaista metodiikkaa alettiin uuden lainsäädännön
turvin soveltaa kautta länsimaiden. Väkivaltaisuus,
skitsofrenia, alkoholismi, maaninen depressio, merimiessuvuissa
esiintyvä "sealust" eli himo merelle, vajaamielisyys
jne. olivat muka yhden tai kahden geenin tulosta. Suuren
perinnöllisyystieteilijöiden enemmistön on täytynyt
olla tietoisia siitä, että lainsäädäntöön
murtautunut oksat pois -genetiikka oli harhaanjohtavaa. Mutta nämä
kellokkaita fiksummat tutkijat pitivät kiinni arvovallastaan ja
pitivät suunsa kiinni, kollegiaalisista syistä.
Yhdysvaltoihinkin pyrkivistä siirtolaisista 80% Itä-Euroopan
juutalaisia myöden oli muka vajaamielisiä.
Edessämme on metodien kehittyessä vertaan vailla oleva
neurogeneettisen determinismin ja fakki-idiotismin aika. Nyt, jos
koskaan, on aika keskustella. Älä suostu intimidoitavaksi.
Joskus Suomea kutsuttiin maaksi, jossa oli sisua. Tiedejunttamme
tahtoo tehdä ID:stä (Intelligent Design) varoittavan
esimerkin ja ennakkotapauksen. Sana Helsingin yliopiston sensuurista
on kulkenut muille kampuksille saakka ja luentosaleja evätään
muuallakin. Ei ole harvinaista, että 100 henkeä änkeää
50 hengelle mitoitettuun yksityiseen huoneistoon. 90-luvulla
tällaista ei Suomessa tapahtunut.
Tekevät tästä
jotakin sosialistisen materialismin museota, perkele. 60-lukulaiset
luonnontieteiden taistolaismaterialistit ovat pettäneet
aatteensa ja itsensä, mutta nousemassa nyt viimeiseen
kulttuuritaistoonsa. Yhdysvalloissa ja Euroopassa EI ole samat arvot.
Eurooppa on jälkikristillinen. Tämä on TIETOA, noilla
uskoa. Eurooppa on jälkikristillinen - ja jälkijärkevä.
Ja katajainen kansa kerätköön jälleen kerran
maksun selkänahastaan.
Pauli af
Seven in Molecular Biology
In the muscle contraction (actomyosin
contraction) SEVENFOLD cooperativity reigns. The contraction
is regulated by calcium, but that calcium pulse is detected and
erased for the next round by this molecular machine, which might be
the most studied eukaryotic protein complex. The sevenfold
cooperativity -principle is operated by protein complexes
appearing by an interval of every seventh actomyosin unit. Also the
muscle discs appear in an interval of SEVEN.
The secret of
both the muscle myosin as well as all the "coiled coil"
super helices is exposed in the number of SEVEN. A single alpha-helix
constitutes one round in about 3.6 amino acid residues. Such a single
helix can not withold its structure in water without a 3D context of
the whole protein - unless there are two helices that embrace each
other and are locked by 180 degree hydrogen bonds. If so, the
similarly charged or hydrophobic residues face are repeated in every
SEVENTH residue and there are precisely 3.5 residues per turn in this
compact helix. For instance the "common cold", influenza
virus, infects the host body via such a coiled coil structure.
The amino acid sequence of the muscle alpha-actin is 100% identical from man to dog to holy cow. This protein is also the most common and abundant in the human body. Alpha-actin conceals SEVEN coding DNA regions (exons) as a pinnacle of standardation, creation and design signal.
The phosphatidylinositoles ("Pips") that bind to the actin cytoskeleton is the only category of the phospholipids that can be anchored to the inner membrane of the plasma membrane. In theory, there could be tens of signalling phosphatidyl inositoles, phosphate permutations bound to the inositol sugars. In the nature, however, only SEVEN Pips are used:
PI3P - 1st
PI4P - 2nd
PI5P - 3rd
PI34P2 - 4th
PI35P2 - 5th
PI45P2 - 6th &
PI345P3 - 7th
- where also the negative charge reaches in the neutral pH a value of SEVEN, net charge of minus 7.
Chaperone enzymes are, indeed, chaperones of the biology. They assist the other proteins to fold into the correct three dimensional 3D space, as determined by their amino acid sequence. The chaperones are "barrels" or "carages" of SEVEN subunits in a circle, and two such circles usually move against each other like two doughnuts. Chaperones solve the problems of their aggregated customers by the energy of the ATP cellular currency, but do not lavish energy in vain and can solve many if not most of the problems by hrvesting thermal movement and fluid influx inside the cell. Faced with worse aggregates, however, the secret in the switch to the energy consuming problem is revealed when SEVEN molecules of ATP are hydrolyzed, in a one full round of the Gro-EL Gro-ES -barrel.
Programmed cell death, apoptosis, is launched when
caspase-9 (CASP9) enzymes arrange themselves to a circle called
apoptosome. Then, each subunits binds to the signaling YTC,
cytochrome c, leaked from aging or broken mitochondria via an adaptor
protein. As a result, we see a circle with SEVEN + SEVEN + SEVEN
subunits. Apoptosis means altruistic sacrificing of self on behalf
and to the benefit of the whole body and entity. It symbolizes
sacrificing love, in a sense. Biology is not about the survival of
the fittest and struggle for life. It is about playing together in a
community. Our body is composed of some hundred million million of
cells, but these cells do not compete in physiology but boost each
others and sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. The
competitive tissue is a cancerous, malignant tissue. A similar
cooperation is even seen in bacterial biofilms between different
bacteria species and strains, and most of the cells in our body are
symbiotic bacteria. So the doctrine of Charles Darwin is rather
unscientific. Competition and was and battle is never effective in
the nature. The most efficient populations of individuals and cells
are working in concert and in harmony, as a unit.
Almost all the signals that pass the amplification
system of the cell from the external, outer world go through 7-TMS
family of sensors, SEVEN Transmembrane superfamily. The amplifiers
are anchored to the cell plasmamembrane or other membranes by going
through it SEVEN times.
Actin is a recycled biopolymer, which utilizes an Arp2/3 complex of SEVEN subunits as a prosthetic actin filament platform to launch and start the filament polymerization.
Actin is an autopolymer but even in rest e.g. blood thrombocytes (platelets) use about 40% of their energy in treadmilling the actin filaments
to grow from the Arp2/3 end and shrink from the other end.
Since each polymerization and depolymerization circle hydriolyzes one ATP molecule, if the treadmilling was random and stochastic, energy would be lost.
(Cutting your coverlet from your feet to sew it to the other end in the head part.) Therefore, the polymerization must be delicately controlled.
Muscle alpha-1 actin is 100 % identical in all warmblooded animals. It is composed of 6+1 exons, one of which is not translated.
Myostatin is the number one target of inhibiton trials in the anabolic doping.
It is encoded by a member of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family and the TGF-beta superfamily characterized by a polybasic proteolytic processing site
which is cleaved to produce a mature protein containing SEVEN "conserved" cysteine residues.
The members of the family are regulators of cell growth and differentiation in both embryonic and adult tissues.
Myostatini encodes a secreted protein which negativelyinhibits skeletal muscle growth.
Seven channels for main nerves, seven arteria from the heart, seven holes in the head etc.
The figures of SEVEN and TWELVE are known from the Biblical (Jewish) number symbolism. Number seven seems to be the key to insights in the cellular architecture, but also the number twelve is essential to understand the regulation of the cell. The fingerprint of the designer, however, is seen also in the atomic level.
For instance, all life is based on carbon. Carbon atom is composed of TWELVE atoms: six protons carrying a charge of +1, and sig neutrons carrying a neutral charge.
Haim Shore
Coincidences in the Bible and in Biblical Hebrew
Mere coincidence or divine truth?
3, 2009
Yocheved Miriam Russo , THE JERUSALEM POST
A niggling curiosity about colors started the whole thing. "For many years, I found myself idly wondering if the name value of colors mentioned in the Bible had any relationship to their wave frequency," says Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Professor Haim Shore.
"In the scheme of things, that's an outrageous suggestion - why would anyone think that the Hebrew name for colors mentioned in the Bible - red, green, yellow - would bear any relationship to the wave frequency of the color itself?" he asks. "Finally, just for fun, I checked it out. When I saw the results, I was stunned. It was a heck of a coincidence, but the two were linearly related."
"The Hebrew word for the color actually matched the color's wave frequency," Shore says. "How could that be?"
Shore's methodology was relatively simple. He took the Hebrew names of five colors that appear in the Bible - red (adom), yellow (tzahov), green (yerakon), blue (tchelet) and purple or magenta (argaman) - and calculated a numerical value for each word by adding the total values of the letters, with aleph as one, bet as two, etc. Then he plotted them on a graph. The vertical axis charted the colors' wave frequencies, which are scientifically established, while along the horizontal axis, the 'CNV', Color Name Value, appeared. When it was complete, "I was astonished," Shore recalls.
"The five points on the graph formed a straight line - which means that the names of the colors related directly to their established wave frequencies." It was a straight-out statistical analysis, Shore says. "I didn't manipulate a single number in doing the analysis."
"I didn't plot anything at all until I had all the data," he says. "But when I saw it, I was like a lion in a cage, pacing around. I couldn't believe it. Then I went on to other words in the Hebrew Bible, plotting the value of the letters against known scientific data. The whole thing blew me away."
"What I found is that there's an astonishing number of 'coincidences' in which the Hebrew name for some 'entity' in the Bible relates directly to that entity's scientifically established physical property," Shore continues. "I began recording it all, and finally published it in a book which contains about 20 different analyses - statistical, scientifically verifiable findings."
"I have no intention of trying to tell anyone what this means, or how this information should be interpreted. All I did was publish what I found," he says. "As a scientist, as a matter of integrity, I felt compelled to offer what I'd found for discussion."
Shore's book Coincidences in the Bible and in Biblical Hebrew offers dozens of incidents in which the Hebrew words in the Bible offer hidden information about the objects or people they represent, information which, in many cases, couldn't have been known or measured until modern times.
"This is not gematria," Shore says. "Gematria, adopted by rabbis and Jewish Bible interpreters, suggests that if two Hebrew words share the same numerical value, there's then a 'secret' that binds them together. By contrast, the Hebrew word, 'heraion' (pregnancy) has the same numerical value as the duration of human pregnancy, 271 days."
"That is not gematria," he insists, "nor is this a 'Bible Code' sort of thing, with overtones of prophecy. What I have attempted to do, with as plain and non-technical means as possible, was to offer several quantitative analyses that demonstrate that major physical properties are probably reflected in the numerical values of Hebrew words."
Colors were one thing. Celestial objects were another - moon, earth and sun. "It is well known from Kabbalistic literature that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet were created first, and that thereafter, by use of these letters, God created all the worlds. Ancient Jewish sources repeatedly stress that idea," he says.
"Could there be a linkage between numerical values of biblical words and certain physical properties, as demonstrated by the heraion example?" Shore asks. "In Hebrew, yareach is moon, eretz is earth, and shemesh is sun. One thing that distinguishes the three bodies is their size, expressed by the diameters. I used their diameters as listed by NASA, and plotted them on a graph, just as I did with the colors.
"On the horizontal axis is the numerical value of the Hebrew word, on the vertical axis is the planetary diameters from NASA (on a log scale)," he continues. "To my astonishment, the phenomenon repeated itself. The three points aligned themselves on a straight line - an exact mathematical relationship would have given a linear correlation of '1,' whereas these three points had a linear correlation of 0.999. Again I thought, 'What an amazing coincidence!'"
IT'S NOT as though the Tiberias-born Shore was intellectually primed to believe what he was seeing. "My research has been in the areas of statistical modeling and quality and reliability engineering," he says. "I graduated from the Technion in Industrial Engineering and Management, received a Masters in Operations Research, plus a BA in Philosophy and Psychology, then a PhD in Statistics from Bar Ilan. I've worked as a management consultant, taught at Tel Aviv University, then came to BGU in 1996. But beyond that, I'm an engineer. I don't accept anything as true unless there is quantitative analysis - without that, everything is debatable."
"But not this," Shore says. "It's a universal principle of engineering that if you have two sets of data, you put them in ascending order, plot one set on a horizontal axis and the other on a vertical axis and they fall on a straight line, that means both data sets are measuring the same thing, only on different scales."
Nor did he start out believing what the Sages had written, that within the Hebrew words lay an additional layer of information, hidden to us, which can be exposed by relating to the numerical value of the word.
"Not at all," he says. "For many years I was utterly convinced all that was based on superstition - pure myth, no different from those provided by any number of other religions and cultures. But what I was seeing made me think twice about what was written in the Talmud, like in Midrash Rabba, where it says, 'Thus was God observing the Torah and creating the universe,' and in Berachot, 'Bezalel knew how to assemble letters with which Heaven and Earth had been created.'"
Shore's postulations don't amount to scientific evidence, he says, but he's now moved beyond terming the multitude of correlations he found as mere "coincidences."
"Initially, I related to these incidents as curiosities, things that had no scientific basis. But over the years, I've come to see these 'coincidences' evolve into something more," he says. "By 2006 I'd reached the conclusion that the number of instances I'd assembled had reached a critical mass, which justified putting some of it into print."
One of the things that fascinates Shore is how modern science and technology reflects or reinforces Biblical terminology. "The word 'year' - in Hebrew shana - is numerically equivalent to 355, which happens to be the average duration of the lunar (moon-based) Hebrew year," Shore explains. "Or ozen which means 'ear' in Hebrew, which comes from the same root as the Hebrew word for 'balance.' That's curious, because it was only at the end of the 19th Century that we discovered that the mechanism responsible for the body balance resides in the ear."
Another curiosity relates to the name of the Biblical character, Laban, one of the more menacing personalities in Genesis. A passage in the Passover Haggada reads, "Go and realize what Laban the Aramean wished to inflict on Jacob our Patriarch. Pharaoh decreed against the males only, however Laban wished to uproot all."
"Laban represents a total loss of Jewish identity," Shore says. "He wanted everything mixed up, with no one, or no culture, having any distinguishing features. He mixed his children, his wives, his religious faith, his language and his property. He idealized the 'everything goes' maxim - the 'global village, as we'd say today - where everyone and everything is just alike."
"As every Hebrew school kid knows, the name 'Laban' means 'white' - which is extraordinary," he continues. "'Laban' is the only personal name in the Bible that's also the name of a color. Up until 1666, when Isaac Newton came along, every scientist since Aristotle believed that white was a single basic color. Not until Newton passed a thin beam of sunlight through a glass prism did anyone recognize the spectrum of colors. White, Newton argued, is really a mixture of many different types of rays that are refracted at slightly different angles, with each ray producing a different color. White, then, is a mixture of all colors."
"Isn't that bizarre, if it's just a coincidence? That in the Bible, Laban, the man who mixed everything up, should be named 'white'?" Shore asks.
THE BOOK of Genesis, especially the creation story, comes in for special treatment. Together with Prof. Yehuda Radday, Shore analyzed Genesis and published a book in 1985.
"Prof. Radday, who passed away on Sept. 11, 2001, was one of my closest friends. We first met when I was a teaching assistant back in the 1970s and he was affiliated with the Technion doing statistical analysis of Biblical texts," Shore recalls. "At that time, the theories of German-born Julius Wellhausen were in vogue, and we set out to statistically test Wellhausen's theory that there were multiple authors for Genesis."
Julius Wellhausen (1844-1918) was a German Bible scholar who argued that the Pentateuch, the Five Books of Moses, were not written by Moses but rather resulted from oral traditions that evolved from a nomadic culture which, relatively recently, had been pieced together. Wellhausen named the four sources "J", "E", "D" and "P" distinguishing individual verses and segments on the basis of terminology and by perceived differences in philosophy. For many decades, Wellhausen's theories enjoyed general acceptance among Biblical scholars.
"Yehuda and I published our research - which statistically affirmed the position that the book of Genesis was homogenous with respect to authorship (namely, a single author) - in several research papers and ultimately in a book published by the Biblical Institute Press in Rome (Romae E Pontificio Instituto Biblico) of the Vatican," he tells. "So when I began looking at the book of Genesis again, I already had considerable background."
One of the elements Shore analyzed was the Biblical timeline of creation. In the Genesis story, the universe was created in six "days," whereas in modern day cosmology, it's measured in billions of years, which sets off the faith vs. science debate.
"I started by taking the events of the first chapter of Genesis - just the facts as given, no interpretation. 'Light' was created on the first day; on the second - the sky; on the fourth - the sun and the moon were set in place; on the fifth - marine and bird life; and on the sixth day, according to oral Torah, Adam and Eve were created at the end of the 14th hour," he says.
"I took the six points and correlated each Biblical day - '1 day,' '2 day' - with the scientifically established time period. For example, science has established that galaxies started to be formed about 11.8 billion years ago, the sun and the moon, 4.5 billion years ago, etc. I plotted the cosmological age on the vertical axis and the Biblical timeline (day - one through six) on the horizontal axis. I found them to be arranged in a straight line," Shore says. (BULLSHIT, cursive and text mine.)
"Is that possible that the two sets of data, the biblical and the scientific, represent the same 'timeline,' just expressed in different time scales?" he asks.
"Statistical analysis shows that the probability that would happen by chance alone is less than 0.0021%," he continues. "If you take out day 2 and day 5 - there's scientific debate about when life as we know it came into existence, or when exactly large scale structures had appeared in the early universe - you can plot just four points. The probability of those four points aligning themselves on a straight line, the way they did, by chance alone is still less than 0.0165%."
Shore now believes he might have used a word other than 'coincidences' in the book title. "The title reflected my attitude towards many of the examples given in the book. But during the short span of about two or three months when I feverishly wrote it all down, something changed. I'd now say it's highly probable that hidden information in biblical words supplements the exposed information submitted."
What did Shore hope to gain by publishing his findings? "I knew very well I was putting my reputation on the line with this book," he says. "What I hoped would happen is that it would start a discussion, that people would begin to talk about it."
"That hasn't happened so far, probably because I've been reluctant to publicize it," Shore admits. "I finally went ahead because the data is significant. Everyone can figure out for himself what it all means - I'm not saying anything here about God or the Bible or biblical Hebrew. But there's something here that should be discussed and analyzed further."
Several more 'coincidences' have helped shape Shore's life. At present, he is statistically processing data received from a web-based feedback survey, conducted at the end of the 18th Maccabiah. "We're measuring participants' satisfaction, which involves analyzing questionnaires submitted by e-mail to athletes, delegation officials and Maccabiah staff," he says.
"The Maccabiah is special to me because in 1932, my father, Daniel, came to Tel Aviv to participate in the first Maccabiah as a member of the Polish football team. Once here, he stayed - which meant that he escaped the Holocaust (most of his family did not). Because of that, I told the Maccabiah Organizing Committee, who had approached me with a request to conduct this feedback survey, that I would conduct the survey and analyze its results free of charge, on a voluntary basis only," Shore recalls.
Then, too, Shore was stunned to find that he wasn't the first Shore to write a book on Genesis. "My father's grandfather, Baruch Schorr, was a famous cantor in Lemberg, called Lvov today," he says. "He wrote two books, one about Ecclesiastes and another about Genesis that he named Bechor Schorr. I only learned about Baruch's book of Genesis - which was published in Lemberg in 1873 - long after my book about Genesis, with Prof. Radday, was published."
"That's just one more coincidence," Shore adds.
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2Yet Seven is the only dimension, besides the familiar 3, in which a vector cross product can be defined.