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Last salute to Ron's memory

Ron taught me three things where I have and I will build my life upon. He said:

"Don't edit her prayers!" This was at the occasion when I had just got engaged with my girlfriend (wife) Mirkka. I was suspecting her faith and I doubted she was "not Christian enough". My worries reached the level of interrupting her when we were praying together. I taught and gave hints what to pray and what not to pray. And I mean the old man was shouting at me! He was yielling. And it was a wise admonition. In the book of Job the man is cursing God at the end because of his sufferings and loss of children, possessions and health. His 3+1 friends keep on teaching Job. But the only fellow around who is praying anything from God was Job. He was the only one who had a living relationship with the Almighty - even if it was a one of bitterness and rebellion at the time. Praying is personal. We need to pour our heart to the Saviour. And women are different from men. My wife does not have to practice her faith in the same way than I do as a man. We should operate as a unit, but God created us "in His image as a man and a woman". That is, there is both the masculine and the pheminine side in God Himself. Ron had learnt that. He said he can not stand in front of any congregation as a pastor since he "Blew it all up".

"Don't leave the ministry at the halfway!" That was about the Creationism and apologetics that is my hobby turned to a profession in biochemistry. I should continue from there, otherwise the whole mission would turn into a herecy. Jesus is the Logos behind John 1:1-5. He is the Great Engineer and Programmer behind the classical chapter of Proverbs 8 in the Old Testament. I should introduce Him, the most interesting and exciting thing there ever was, to my beloved opponents as a conclusion. I don't by any means mean that Ron did not support Intelligent Design in its own agnostic genre or specific creationist research projects such as the RATE. Quite on the contrary, Ron was a personal friend to both Henry Morris, the founder of the ICR, Institute for Creation Research, as well as to John Stott from the Intervarsity (OPKO). My PhD manuscript for a doctoral dissertation had been, basically, laughed out from the campus without its actual subject being even touched. I was bitter since I had a passion to my research and I thought my volume of text was sophisticated enough. I shared with Ron my homepages which at that time contained mainly criticism of evolutionary indoctrination. He asked me to add outright gospel to the homepages. The homepages would not have to be "sophisticated". There I could air out, so to say. I hope I have succeeded, and I will continue following this goal. Ron was very task-oriented. Like Paul the sportsman said, he did not fight and punch to the air but aimed at something. He was sparring at least, not boxing with shadows. Admiral Ron Nelson.

"Do take your boy with you!" By that time, it was turning out that my son would never speak. He was already six and a half years. Moving fast, climbing high, wrestling with strength. But not a word. My son was severely handicapped. He was autistic. "Why not take the boy with you at the street?" For Ron, evangelizing was a hobby. He could start talking with people at cafeteria, bus stop, in the bus, anywhere. Following the example of Paul Lappala of the Navigators. My desire and dream is to get to the outreach and to struggle in prayer for the people I have talked to - with Lauri joining me. Liking me enough to go around with dad, even if wordless. Lauri is my only begotten son in whom I am not always so well pleased. But there was only one son in whom His Father was well pleased. And that was a message that came thundering from the heaven when Jesus was babtized. Jesus started calling his disciples "brothers" only after His resurrection. Now we were also made equal with him in holiness, if we abide in Christ. De Jure, if not always so de facto. You see, Ron was helping us and not the other way. But when asked if he had something we could do on his behalf, his request was: "Please pray for my son, John."

Ron remains my example. In courage, in discipline and in compassion in the Lord.




"Ron grew up in Halifax and Moncton, studied at York University in Toronto, and had a backround in marketing, economics, life insurance, oil, and commercial properties development.

He's also been a lay worker with Navigators, a founding member of Disciple Makers for Christ in Toronto, and served with Campus Crusade in Zurich, Switzerland.

While a member at NPCC, he was a group leader with the Nav 2:7 program and helped with prison ministry. Beginning in 1976, Ron served on shortterm mission trips to Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Berlin. He received missionar training in California and Britain, and has lived and worked in Austria, Germany, Hungary and Russia.

Ron's ministry base was moved from Moscow to Finland. He was currently a member of the International Evangelical Church in Finland, and was involved in discipleship training and leading Biblical Counselling Foundation (BCF) courses in Helsinki and Lahti, plus prison ministry, music and in leading Bible studies.

As a former Director of Athletes in Action, Russia, and New Life Prison Ministry, Russia, Ron was still very active in those ministries as well."


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