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, Second EditionVolume 10: 27-28(2007)
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Jewish Terrorism?
̣EVA’I LE’UMMIHebrew “National Military Organization”
I.Ẓ.L., Eẓel, or the Irgun], a Jewish undergroundarmed organization founded in Jerusalem in the spring of
1931 by a group of *Haganah commanders, headed by Avraham
Tehomi, who had left the Haganah in protest against its
defensive character. Joining forces with a clandestine armed
group of *Betar members from Tel Aviv, they formed a parallel,
more activist defense organization.
In April 1937, during the Arab riots, the organization split
over the question of how to react against Arab terrorism, and
about half its three thousand members returned to the Haganah,
which was controlled by the *Jewish Agency. The rest
formed a new Irgun Z
̣eva’i Le’ummi, which was ideologicallylinked with the Revisionist movement and accepted the authority
of its leader, Vladimir *Jabotinsky. Rejecting the “restraint”
havlagah) policy of the Jewish Agency and theHaganah, the organization carried out armed reprisals against
Arabs, which were condemned by the Jewish Agency as “blemishing
the moral achievements of the Jews of Erez
̣ Israel, hinderingthe political struggle, and undermining security.” Many
members and sympathizers were arrested and one of them,
Shelomo *Ben-Yosef, was hanged for shooting at an Arab bus,
but Iz
̣L intensified its activities. It also cooperated with the Revisionistmovement in *“illegal” immigration, succeeding in
smuggling many thousands of Jews into Palestine.
After the publication of the *White Paper in May 1939,
̣L directed its activities against the British Mandatory authorities,sabotaging government property and attacking security
officers. The British retaliated with widespread arrests,
and at the outbreak of World War II, when hundreds of Revisionists
and members of Iz
̣L (including its commanderDavid *Raziel and his staff commanders) were in prison, Iz
̣Ldeclared a truce, which led to a second split (June 1940) and
the formation of a new underground group (*Loh
̣amei ḤerutIsrael, or Leh
̣i) led by Avraham *Stern. IẓL members contributedto the war effort against the Nazis by joining the British
Army’s Palestinian units and later the Jewish Brigade. During
a clandestine operation by an Iz
̣L unit, in cooperation withBritish Intelligence, against the pro-Nazi regime of Rashid
Ali in Iraq, David Raziel fell at Habbaniya, near Baghdad, on
May 20, 1941. Ya’akov Meridor took command, and was succeeded
in December 1943 by Menahem *Begin. By this time,
the full extent of the Holocaust in the Nazi-occupied territories
had become known, and in February 1944 Iz
̣L declaredwar against the British administration, which continued to
implement the White Paper. It attacked and blew up governirgun
ment offices, several CID headquarters, and four police stations,
also capturing weapons and ammunition.
The British authorities made many arrests, and 251 prisoners
(including Leh
̣i members) were deported to Eritrea onOct. 20, 1944. No organized reaction to the deportation was
possible because of the repercussions following the assassination
of Lord Moyne by Leh
̣i in Cairo (Nov. 6, 1944). TheJewish Agency and the Haganah moved against the Iz
̣L in acampaign nicknamed by the underground the “saison” (“hunting
season”), during which some of Iz
̣L’s members (includingseveral leaders) were kidnapped and handed over to the
British authorities. The “saison” limited the scope of Iz
̣L’s activities,but did not halt them; after the war it began attacking
military installations, bridges, and the vital Kirkuk-Haifa oil
pipeline (May 25, 1945).
When the British Labour government’s anti-Zionist policy
disappointed post-war hopes, Haganah, Iz
̣L, and Leḥiformed a united front, sabotaging bridges, railways, and patrol
boats. Iz
̣L again attacked CID and police stations, as wellas seven army camps, gaining control of their ammunition
stores, and damaged planes at two military airfields. The Iz
̣Lattacks culminated in blowing up a wing of the King David
Hotel in Jerusalem, headquarters of the Palestine government
and the military command, on July 22, 1946.
The united fighting front disintegrated in August 1946,
after the arrest of the Jewish Agency leaders, but Iz
̣L andLeh
̣i continued their attacks on military and governmentalobjectives. The British increased their military strength to a
hundred thousand men and reacted with increased ferocity:
curfews, arrests, deportations, floggings, and hangings. Iz
̣Lreacted by flogging British officers and kidnapping hostages.
It also extended its activities abroad, the most striking act being
the bombing of the British embassy in Rome on Oct. 31,
1946. Four members of Iz
̣L – Dov Gruner, Yeḥiel Drezner,Mordekhai Alkah
̣i, and Eliezer Kashani – were hanged in Acreprison on April 16, 1947, and another two – Meir Feinstein
and the Leh
̣i member Moshe Barazani – who were due to behanged in Jerusalem, blew themselves up in the condemned
cell on April 27. Iz
̣L broke into the fortress at Acre on May 4,and freed 41 Iz
̣L and Leḥi prisoners. Under the pressure of thecontinual attacks, the British retreated to security zones where
they lived in a state of siege. When three other Iz
̣L members,Meir Nakar, Ya’akov Weiss, and Avshalom H
̣aviv, were condemnedto death by the British, Iz
̣L kidnapped two Britishsergeants and hanged them in July, when the three were executed.
The Iz
̣L revolt was given wide publicity in the UnitedStates, where the Hebrew Committee for National Liberation,
led by Peter Bergson (Hillel Kook), was established. In Palestine
publicity was conducted through a clandestine radio
station, newspapers, and leaflets bearing the Iz
̣L emblem, ahand holding a rifle on the background of a map of Erez
̣ Israelincluding Transjordan.
After the United Nations resolution of November 29,
1947, on the partition of Palestine, Iz
̣L gradually came out ofhiding, helped to repulse the Arab attacks, and continued to
attack British army camps in order to capture weapons. On
April 25, 1948, it began a large-scale attack on Arab Jaffa; the
capture of the town was completed by the Haganah. After the
Declaration of Independence, the high command of Iz
̣L offeredto disband the organization and integrate its members
into the army of the new Jewish state, but, until integration
was achieved, it acted independently in various sectors, particularly
in Jerusalem, where its activities were loosely coordinated
with the Haganah. Its attack on the Arab village of
Deir Yasin near Jerusalem, which caused many civilian casualties
and led to panic among the Arabs, was denounced by
the Jewish Agency. On June 20, during the first Arab-Israel
cease fire, an Iz
̣L ship, Altalena, clandestinely reached theshores of Israel, carrying a huge quantity of weapons and
ammunition and about eight hundred young people, some
of whom had received military training. During negotiations
with the newly established provisional government of Israel,
̣L demanded 20 of the arms for the use of its units inJerusalem. Iz
̣Lrejected a government ultimatum to handover the ship, and when it appeared off the shore of Tel Aviv
it was blown up by Israel artillery. The Jerusalem units of Iz
̣Lfought in most sectors of the city and joined the national
army on Sept. 21, 1948, on the orders of the provisional government.
M. Begin, The Revolt (1964); Irgun Ẓeva’iLe’ummi,
Hebrew Struggle for National Liberation (1947); J.B. Schechtman,Vladimir Jabotinsky Story
…, 2 vols. (1956–1); D. Niv, Ma’arkhotha-Irgun ha-Z
̣eva’i ha-Le’ummi, 3 vols. (1965–67); S. Katz, Days ofFire
(1968); E. Lankin, Sippuro shel Mefakked Altalena (1967); Dinur,Haganah, 2 pt. 3 (1963), index; D. Ben-Gurion,
Bi-Medinat Yisrael ha-Meh
̣uddeshet, 1 (1969), 175–91, 281–5.[David Niv]
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