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 "The Sins of the Fathers”

Epilogue: August 9th 2001, The White House Paper & Bushism

A Study of Eugenics and race hygiene in republican and democratic families


An open self-correction process and falsification, in addition to the verification criteria, is vital for the public understanding of science. If moon is cheese in the premisses, it might be correct to implicate in a long chain of deduction that the author of the Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (the another concerned candidate) is the president of the Unites States. A mistake in the premisses given from natural scientist to humanists is fatal, as the logical course per se cannot reach its refutation.


President George Walker Bush addressed his nation in the 9th of August, 2001, on the potential of some types of embryonic stem cells to lead to new and revolutionary therapies. In his speech, President Bush publicly commended and called for more federal funding of scientific research using stem cells from sources other than human embryos. Instead of federal funding for the embryonic stem cell research, focusing on the ~65 preliminary ebryonic stem cell lines, adult progenitor cells – and private companies in the wild market - was exhorted in the largest economy of the world.


The White House Paper can be reproached for using a double standard on ethics, regarding approval of the foreign ESC-lines that were already introduced and concerning the mere transfer of the embryonic utilization from the state to the private companies. Nevertheless, this statement seems to be the most well known attempt for a request of a time-up, and I consider this opinion as the singularity on the bioethics against the putative challenge to the Hippocratean research tradition. Next I try to shed light on the historical significance and the political repercussions behind the "White House Paper".


Now that the US archives of the WW II are being declassified by the Interagency Working Group, as appointed by William Clinton in 1995, extremely stringent questions have been asked regarding the civilian annihilation and the Western coalition (Jokisipilä 2001). Why did not the allies bombard the civilian destruction factories, or even their railway connections during their air reign, despite the fervent requests? Both London and Washington were aware, after all, of the destiny of the Jewish civilians, their co-victims, and their protectors, since the Barbarossa that began in June 1941. The number of broken messages 1941-42 was nearly two thousand. One burst could contain even 3000 casualties, and these "enigmas" were so congruent and monogenous that soon they were not even briefed to the British leaders etc. After the war, this information was hidden from the courts of war crimes. The cold war against the former Soviet Union began earlier than thought.


No Jew, as an indication, was handed Red Cross passport, whereas fugitive men like the commendant of Treblinka (Stangl), Death angel with his "mengelian genetics" (Mengele), the leader of the Gestapo in Poland (Kutschmann), and "The Butchler of Lyon" (Barbie) were allowed it - and even recruited for the western espionages in the last case, according to the most controversial intelligence surveys by Loftus and Aarons (1993, 1994). There were only a handful convicted men in Nürnberg, usually released a few years later. The bulk part of the race-breeders and, finally, civilian mass murderers, escaped via the "ratline" through Italy with the smuggled money stolen from the war victims. Despite the pious smoke screen after the shoa (involuntary holocaust), the economical collaboration and outright money laundring for Nazies in the west went largely untried, it seems.


Ethics in science means the study of morals, not moralizing as such. In contrast to the rhyme pecunia non olet (money does not smell), I think this is a most relevant issue because in the business the free act of choice is most emphasized.


This has nothing to do with the new ethics of modern bioscience, has it? It might have. As a result of the White House Paper, the scientific community in the Europe seems to have stood up to oppose the "banning politics" of George Bush Jr. in a nearly solid front. Why did the "president's men" call to Scandinavian professors (Outi Hovatta, personal communication) to home at the mid-night to ask the number of the existing embryonic stem cell lines, then?


George Bush Junior got both of his names from George Bush Senior - the second Vespasian-Titus relationship in the history of one of the world's oldest democracies.[1] The father of George Bush Senior and the grandfather of George Bush Junior was the post-war senator Prescott Bush, from whom the two presidents inherited their family name. The grandfather of George Bush Senior and the great-grandfather of George Bush Junior was investor (and former heavyweight boxing champion) George Herbert Walker, from whom the two presidents inherited their first name. The second name of G. W. Bush denotes Walker, whereas the whole name of the Senior president is George Herbert Walker Bush.


Classified ones are not the files of choice as scientific references, but an introduction to the one of the most heated debates related to the motives behind the Bush'es seems not only justified, but a key insight, to me.


Among the most prominent authors linking the fathers of the Bush family directly to Nazi Germany is the former US Justice Department Nazi War Crimes Prosecutor John Loftus, mentioned above. As a prosecutor, Loftus had access to Top Secret files, and as a private attorney he has helped intelligence agents to obtain lawful permission to declassification. The research by Loftus and Aarons is severely biased in its topic, but it is their "license to leak" that has stirred up discussion to the point of open and public letters from organizations like Antifa to G.W. Bush.


The most controversial titles of Loftus and Aarons include Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis and the Swiss Banks (1993, 1998) and The Secret War against the Jews: How the Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People (1994).


Loftus and Aarons are one of the authors claiming that affiliates of Prescott Bush's company were under investigation for aiding the Nazis in the time of war. The accusations refer to I.G. Farben, well-known for its connection to German in provision of oil, chemicals, and munitions. The cartel is also mentioned in the context of building and operating slave labor factories and death camps after their scaling up from the euthanasia projects.


To make a long story on nihilism short: These cartels gave a totally new meaning for recycling, human transplants and Haeckelian term of ecology. The Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation and the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company located in a particularly well-known area in Poland. As far as the most recent accusations by Loftus go, the coal deposits could be processed into coal or additives for gasoline - in Auschwitz.


According to Loftus’ interview[2], a recent declassified Dutch intelligence file confirms a direct link between Prescott Bush, Friedrich Thyssen and genocide profits from the slave labour. President Bush is accused of being a heir to these profist from the holocaust which were placed in a blind trust in 1980 by the former president George Herbert Walker Bush.


According to Loftus and Aarons, Prescott Bush became the national chairman of the United Service Organization's annual fund campaign, which raised $33 million 1942 to provide entertainment for Allied troops. That was also the year, when the 18-year old George Bush Senior abandoned his plans to enter Yale, and made the historical decision to volunteer in the war. Loftus and Aarons claim that while George Bush Sr. was in flight school preparing himself to save his family's reputation, the U.S. government charged his father with running Nazi front groups in the country.


"Under the sharing with the Enemy Act, all the shares of the Union Banking Corporation were seized, including those held by Prescott Bush as being held for enemy nationals… The U.S. government found that huge sections of Prescott Bush's empire had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort" (Loftus & Aarons 1994, p. 360-1).


Prescott Bush, his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, and German industrialist Fritz Thyssen financed Adolf Hitler through Union Banking Corporation (UBC), a spin-off from the Harriman railroad fortunes. Prescott Bush managed UBC directly. The New York Times reporter Charles Higham published in 1983 a book “Trading with the Enemy: The Nazi American Money plot 1933-1949”. In Higham’s opinion, the US government believed “a public scandal… would have drastically affected public morale, caused widespread strikes and perhaps provoked mutinies in the armed services.”


As for George Walker, according to the accusations of Loftus and Aarons, at the time he did not yet directly benefit from financing Hitler. He invested.


"Walker was one of Hitler's most powerful financial supporters in the United States. The relationship went all the way back to 1924, when Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist, was financing Hitler's infant Nazi party." (p. 358).


If true, Walker was supporting the movement in its most vulnerable and critical period. It was the period after the 1923 inflation, when Hitler was released from prison and the politics were brutalized and radicalized. The foreign currency prooved to be vital, when inflation raised the exchange rate fabulously high. (1.11.1923 one US dollar costed 130,000 million German marks, which consumed all of the savings of the middle class.)


SA troops (storm troopers) numbered 350,000 for many years when the correspondent ultra rightwing parties got only a few percentage of the votes in elections. Who paid these private arms, that were four times larger than Wehrmacht, the German field army after the Versailles? SA did not manage its duties for charity and its troops were not considered "Altkämpfers", as the organization was dismantled after Hitler assumed power. Despite the title of Fritz Thyssen's (1873-1951) book "I paid Hitler" (1941) the sum of 1 million German marks displayed in it is not satisfactory. Fritz Thyssen fled from the Nazi-Germany after the invasion of Poland and died in a concentration camp in 1945. He did not acknowledge the authorship of the I paid Hitler, however. As a dilettant in the study, I feel temptation to ask, whether the book was a public cover?


Walker managed North American operations of the Hamburg-Amerika line, a cover for I.G. Farben's Nazi espionage unit in the United States, as far as the story goes. The shipping line infiltrated German agents, indoctrination, and money to the New World before Pearl Harbour.


The most malicious online book George Bush - The  Unauthorized biography ( was published by Tarpley and Chaitkin as an assault against the re-election campaign of George Bush Sr. in 1991. Regardless of the documentation of its claims (which I find wanting), these assaults have to be taken into account in order to understand the political backround for the White House Paper.


Tarpley and Chaitkin introduced also the fourth generation, great grandfather Samuel Bush, as a child of his World War I –time. As far as the story goes, Samuel Bush' clan kept specimen of lower races in cages for show and had an antropologist to lecture on them. (The preferred cage-race were "Bushmen" not only in Ernst Haeckel's science books…)


To put things in perspective, again, the accusations of "sins of the fathers" in the "bushism" could be compared to the accusations against some neutral countries, such as in the case of the Swiss banks or Swedish industry. Esse non videri: In their The Art of Cloaking, Aalders and Wiebes present a case of even a closer link to the IG Farben (1989, 1996) in the case of the largest private bank in Sweden. If Joseph Stalin, in accords with his name, trusted in steel, see Fritz 1973 for a review of Swedish iron ore and German war industry.


The export and import numbers, respectively, with the Nazi German in the case of the semi-allied Finland were 16.2% and 20.7% in 1939; 52.6% and 20.3% in 1940; 53,5% and 53,2% in 1941; 65,8% and 72,0% in 1942; 67,1% and 75,0% in 1943; and 66,5% and 71,1% in 1944 (Visuri & Forsberg 1992; The 1939 numbers are indicative of the fact that Finland fought and hardly survived through the Winter War all alone, without an ally).


Indeed, due to the many Swedish ESC-lines in the White House Paper, Sweden is called "the imperia of stem cells" in the Finnish press describing the economical promises in the field. Due to the pioneering position of Sweden in the popularization, especial openness to ethical scrutiny is required. In the lightly populated Sweden, the annual number of forced sterilization was at least 2000 even in 1948-49, just after the Word War II (Reilly 1991, pp. xiii). It is dramatic, that Simon Wiesenthal has lived nearly 100 years, after visiting his 44 kg. A rough estimation of the number of documents putting forward the heroic story of Raoul Wallenberg in the Swedish media is some three thousands. From the view point of the accusations against Raoul's two uncles, a document per 10-30 rescued Jews could righteously be called biased popularization. This pious smoke screen has indeed been noticed by the "Nazi-hunters".


We are living at the time of the declassification of files from the World War II, but privileged researchers would not have had to wait to check the roots of the brutalizing recapitulationary myth. The scientific references were never classified. Haeckel's bitter materialism culminated in the upper right panel of his most famous illustration: in the "earliest" stage of the human embryo.


What if President Bush tried to be earnest within this particular topic? What if he could have been precisely the man who should have been taken dead seriously? What if we would also consider judging the present in the past context, before the market forces break loose? The paradox of the Bushism is the sympathy raised by repention from the Sins of the Fathers. The White House Paper dating back to 9th of August, 2001, seems to be the most important single request for a Time Out in the bioethics of the present Millennium.


I think GW Bush was repenting over the sins of his fathers during his era. But "Thou Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord in Vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless whosoever uses His name in vain", said the decalog, Ten Commandments to the hypocrite fake believers. G*d's name should not be used to our own ends. I pray for the Republican quasi-royal families, I wish them all good. An analogous process of blood money laundring was going on in the richest family of the "impartial" Sweden, the Wallenberg's. They invested in the Nazi's during the hyperinflation at the 1920's, when money from abroad determined who's gonna get the power. SA was a private and PAID army with its 350,000 brown shirts. They were no boy scouts but demanded money. Four times larger private army than the Wehrmacht field army of Germany!


PS. Regarding the embryo business, I tell you that you would NOT want stem cells from them to be injected to you, comrad. They would constitute cancerous growth sooner or later in your body, no doubt about it. That is the reason why they have not proceeded to ANY further clinical phases, instead of the adult mesenchymal stem cells. The media is just lobbying and lobbying and considered the criticism in the past only as conservative Christian stubborness. Not the case. The Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPC's) were regarded as the most important medical breakthrough in 2007 in the Time magazine and set the stage. More in a longer essay:



Aalders, G.; Wiebes, C. (1996) The Art of Cloaking Ownership: The Secret Collaboration and Protection of the German War Industry by the Neutrals: The Case of Sweden. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, Netherlands

Allen, G.E. (1985) Life Sciences in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge History of Science. Eds Bassalla G & Coleman W. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK

Balfour, F.M. (1876) The development of the elasmobranch fishes. J Anat Physiol 10: 517-570

Bannister, R.C. (1979) Social Darwinism: science and myth in Anglo-American social thought. Temple University Press, Philadelphia, PA

Bullock, A. (1958) Hitler – A study in tyranny. Finnish translation by R Wilenius. 2nd ed. Tammi, Helsinki, Finland

Darwin, C. (1859) The Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. John Murray, London, UK

Darwin, C.  (1860) in Darwin, F. (1896) (editor) The life and letters of Charles Darwin. Vol. II. D. Appleton & Company, New York

Darwin, C. (1871) The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. J. Murray, London, UK. (Photoreproduction of the 1871 edition: 1981, Princeton University Press, USA)

Friedländer, S. (1997) Nazi Germany and the Jews. New York: Harper Collins, NY

Fritz, M. (1973) Swedish iron ore and German steel, 1939-1940. Scandinavian Economic History Review 21: 133-144

Gasman, D. (1971) The Scientific Origins of National Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League. MacDonald, London, UK

Gasman, D. (1998) Haeckel's Monism and the Birth of Fascist Ideology. (Studies in Modern European

Gobineau, J.A. (1853) The Inequality of Races (English translation 1967). New York: Howard Fertig Co.

Gould, S.J. (1977a) Ontogeny and phylogeny. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA

Gould, S.J. (1977b) Ever Since Darwin. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.

Gould, S.J. (1981) The Mismeasure of Man. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.

Griffin, R. (1991) The nature of Fascism. Pinter Press, London, UK

Haeckel, E. (1899) Die Weltraethsel. Gemeinverstaendliche Studien ueber monistische Philosophie. Strauss, Bonn, Germany

Haeckel, E. (1900) The Riddle of the universe at the close of the nineteenth century. The Rationalist Press Association, Watts & Co., London, UK

Hailer, M.H. (1963) Eugenics: Hereditarian attitudes in American thought. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ

Harrington, A. (1996) Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ

Holt, N.R. (1971) Ernst Haeckel’s Monistic Religion. J. Hist. Ideas 32: 265-280

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Jokisipilä, M. (2001) Länsivallat ja juutalaisten tuho. Kanava (7), 420-5

Kemiläinen, A. (1998) Finns in the shadow of the ’Aryans’. Race theories and racism. Finnish Historical Society, Studia Historica  59. Gummerus, Jyväskylä, Finland

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Loftus, J.; Aarons, M. (1994) The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. New York: St.Martin's Press

Loftus, J.; Aarons, M. (1993, 1998) Unholy Trinity. The Vatican, the Nazis and the Swiss Banks. 2nd ed. New York: St.Martin's Press

Mosse, G. L. (1985) Toward the Final Solution: A History of European Racism. 2nd ed. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, WI

Payne, S (1995) A History of Fascism, 1914-1945. University of Wisconsin Press. Madison, WI.

Phelbs, R. (1963) Before Hitler came: Thule Society and Germanen Orden. J. Modern Hist. XXV: 245-261

Proctor, R. (1988) Racial Hygiene. Medicine under the Nazis. Harvard University Press, MT

Reilly, P.R. (1991) The surgical solution: A history of involuntary sterilization in the United States. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London

Richardson, M.K. (1995) Heterochrony and the phylotypic period. Dev. Biol. 172: 412-421

Richardson, M.K.; Hanken, J.; Gooneratne, M.L.; Pieau, C.; Raynaud, A.; Selwood, L.; Wright, G.M. (1997) There is no highly conserved embryonic stage in the vertebrates: implications for current theories of evolution and development. Anat. Embryol. 196: 91-106

Sander, K. (2002) Ernst Haeckel's ontogenetic recapitulation: irritation and incentive from 1866 to our time. Ann Anat 184: 523-533

Shirer, W. L. (1960, 1964) The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. A History of Nazi Germany. Pan Books Ltd. London, UK

Tarpley, W.G.; Chaitkin, A. (1991) George Bush: the Unauthorized Biography. Executive Intelligence Review, Washington, DC

Thomson, J.A.; Itskovitz-Eldor, J.; Shapiro, S.S.; Waknitz, M.A.; Swiergiel, J.J.; Marshall, V.S.; Jones, J.M. (1998) Embryonic stem cell lines derived from human blastocysts. Science 282: 1145-1147

Thyssen, F. (1941) I Paid Hitler, New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc.

Weindling, P. (1989) Health, Race and German Politics Between national Unification and Nazism 1870-1945. Cambridge History of Medicine. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK

[1] Vespasian (69-79 AD) was wanted as a Caesar in the course of the sieze of Jerusalem. Before succeeding his father, Titus (79-81) finished the war, as semi-reliably recorded by the defeated general, later historian, Josefus, who later on took the family name of his new masters, Flavius. The divide et impera began both the diaspora/galut as well as the new nomenclature of the geography of the area in 70 AD. Adopted sons had inherited the crown (or laureus) before, but this seems to have been the first genealogical father-son relationship. John Quincy Adams served as the 6th President of the United States (1825 to 1829) and had been the son of the 2nd President, John Adams (1797-1801).

[2] Toby Rogers, Heir to the Holocaust. Clamor Magazine May/June 2002.


Rat Lines, CIA, MI5, MI6 - and KGB & GRU...

TRIAL OF, trial in Lyons,

France, of SS Hauptsturmfuehrer (captain) Klaus Barbie (b.

1913). Known as “the Butcher of Lyons” for his wartime activities

in France, Barbie joined the Nazi Party in 1932 and in

1935 became the personal adjutant to the head of the local Nazi

Party office in Trier. In late September 1935 he also joined the

SS, working in the SD (Security Service) main office and then

as a specialist in the Duesseldorf region. On April 20, 1940,

he was made an SS second lieutenant (Untersturmfuehrer).

On May 29, 1940, shortly after the fall of the Netherlands.

Barbie was assigned to the “culture” section of the SD in Amsterdam.

His job was to monitor anti-Nazi tendencies in the

fields of science, education, religion, sport, entertainment,

and propaganda. In November of that year he was promoted

to SS first lieutenant (Obersturmfuehrer); exactly two years

later he would reach the rank of Hauptsturmfuehrer. During

the disturbances in Amsterdam in February 1941, Barbie had

acid thrown into his face by the Jewish owners of the Koko

ice cream parlor. In reprisal over four hundred young Jewish

men were arrested and sent to Mauthausen, where most

of them perished.

Barbie was made the head of the Gestapo (KdS) in Lyons

in November 1942 and remained in that post for nearly two

years. To foil the Resistance, Barbie ordered that raids be conducted

against arbitrary targets as well as places suspected of

underground activity. His work was characterized by a combination

of guile and cruelty. He was apparently responsible

for the arrest of Rene Hardy, a resistance leader. Twice tried

after the war, Hardy was found innocent of charges that he

had divulged the names of French underground leaders to

Barbie. Nevertheless, shortly after Hardy was interrogated,

Barbie arrested Jean Moulin, Charles de Gaulle’s representative

in southern France. Moulin had unified the major undergrounds

and resistance movements under the National Resistance

Council, which was founded on May 27, 1943. During the

course of Barbie’s interrogation, Moulin was brutally tortured,

but apparently gave away nothing before he died. Barbie was

involved in the deportation of at least 842 other people from

Lyons and its environs. Half of them belonged to the Resistance,

and half of them were Jews. He also personally shot a

number of persons and was responsible for the death of others

from the villages of St. Rambert-en-Bugey, Evosges, Nivollet-

Montgriffen, the Montluc prison in Lyons, and other places.

Perhaps his most ignominious act was the seizure and

deportation of 41 children and five women who were found

hiding in Izieu, a village about 44 miles (70 km.) east of Lyons

on April 6, 1944. They were sent to Auschwitz on August 11,

1944. Barbie also was responsible for the deportation of 85 Jews

taken in a raid on the headquarters of the Union Generale des

Israelites de France (UGIF), on February 9, 1943, in Lyons.

In the spring of 1947, Barbie began working for the Counter

Intelligence Corps of the U.S. Army in Germany. He became

such a valuable informant that his superiors protected

him from French attempts to extradite him and helped him

escape to Bolivia. Arriving in Bolivia in 1951, he assumed the

alias Klaus Altmann, eventually becoming an important advisor

to several Bolivian governments. Barbie was tried in

absentia in France in 1952 and in 1954. In the first trial he was

charged with atrocities committed in the Jura region against

the civilian population and the underground. In the second

trial he was charged with committing a massacre at St. Genis-

Laval and numerous shootings at the Montluc prison in Lyons.

Both trials led to his conviction and sentences of death. In 1971

Barbie was found in La Paz, Bolivia, by Beate and Serge *Klarsfeld,

French hunters of Nazis. It was not until 1983, however,

following repeated appeals by the French, that he was expelled

from Bolivia and brought to France for trial.

Barbie was charged with the raid on the UGIF office and

the deportation of the Jews from Izieu, two acts for which he

had not been previously tried. Coming under the rubric of

“crimes against humanity,” these acts were not subject to the

statute of limitation in France. The main proceedings against

Barbie took place between May 11 and July 4, 1987. The trial

aroused a great deal of interest in France and the rest of the

world. Many Frenchmen had mixed feelings about the trial or

opposed it. Some Jews thought it might arouse antisemitism

or become a forum for the denial of the Holocaust. Extreme

right-wingers actually advanced the claim that Barbie’s behavior

was no worse than that of the Allies, who had bombed

German cities and caused the death of civilians. Some feared it

would raise the question again of events surrounding the death

of Jean Moulin and of French collaboration with the Nazis.

Barbie himself, after making an early appearance in the

courtroom, refused to be present for most of the trial. He was

found guilty on July 4, 1987, and given the maximum penalty

under French law, life imprisonment. He died in 1991.

Bibliography: T. Bower, Klaus Barbie, Butcher of Lyons”

(1984); A.J. Ryan, Jr. (ed.), Klaus Barbie and the United States Government


[Robert Rozette]


Volume 3: 141 (2007)

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Pelasta elämä - luovuta verta!

Safe a Life - Donate Blood!


Jos painovoima loppuisi NYT! niin milloin se vaikuttaisi miljardin valovuoden päässä olevassa kohteessa? Tangentin suuntaisesti.
Valovuodet eivät ole ajan yksikkö. Valovuosi mittaa etäisyyttä, ei historiaa.

Edes valonnopeus ei mahdollisesti olekaan vakio ja saattaa rapistua asymptoottisesti arvoon 300 000 km/s.

Mutta  "gravitonia" ei ole vielä löydettykään. Se on liian nopea. Ajan lyhyt hysteria.


If Gravitation would stop to exist NOW! When would it be seen in a remote star?

 Straight via tangentia.

Light years are not a measure of time or history, but of distance.

 Even the speed of light may not be constant, after all, and may decay asymptotically to 300 000 km/s.

In contrast to the Photon, the "Graviton" has not been even found yet. It is so fast. The short hystery of time.